PayFast Payment Settings

< 1 min read

PayFast is a great payment solution offered for South African merchants. Whats even better is that setup is super quick and easy!

  1. Navigate to the WP EasyCart -> Settings -> Payment page.
  2. This is a Third Party Gateway. If you have PayPal selected, you must deselect this and then from the drop down box select PayFast.
  3. From you account dashboard you can get your Merchant ID and Merchant Key. Enter these in the PayFast setup.
  4. Optional: Add a ‘salt passphrase’ to your account. This adds an extra layer of security to your system. This value must be entered EXACTLY as you enter it into the WP EasyCart PayFast setup.
  5. Choose Sandbox or Live mode from the drop down box.

That is it! You are ready to accept payments. Please note, payments are ONLY accepted in South African Rand. To complete setup you must go to the WP EasyCart -> Settings -> Initial Setup page and update the currency information there if you haven’t already to have it match this requirement.

Updated on August 10, 2021