Store Schedule Settings

1 min read

Store schedule settings are used for our restaurant preorder and pickup delivery system.  There are 7 default days within the store schedule that allow you to setup the day to day open/close and delivery availability times.

To learn how the entire Store Scheduling system works and operates, we will post a full walk through here as soon as available.

Manage Schedules

After clicking the ‘Store Schedule‘ menu within the Settings, you are presented with the base schedule here.  These core 7 days are not removable, only editing may happen to these core 7 days.  IF you need to create a custom schedule for a holiday or other period you may click the ‘Add New‘ and design your own schedule, otherwise the system falls back to these predefined 7 days.


Schedule Details

When editing or creating a new schedule, you will find 2 core sections:  Preorders and Restaurant orders.

Preorders are items that can be scheduled for pickup outside of the regular current day.  Here you may enable/disable preorders for this schedule.  You may also specify what time range the pickup is available and the timeframe before which users may actually preorder.  For example, you may open an item to be preordered 2 weeks in advance and only allow pickup in morning hours.

Restaurant orders are those that happen/occur that day of the order and maybe picked up ASAP (As Soon As Possible) or they maybe scheduled for later that same day.  Here you can enable/disable if restaurant orders are open for this schedule, as well as the start time and closing time of these daily orders.  For example, you may close the orders an hour before closing so you have time to complete them before close.



Updated on October 22, 2024