Flex-Fee Settings

1 min read

Flex-Fee Settings

Flex-Fees are designed to give you more flexible structure to your business and ecommerce checkout workflow.  Now you can inject a custom fee based on criteria you establish to either cover added expenses on your system or to engage unique discounts for customers.  They are extremely flexible and can be utilized in a variety of scenarios we will cover here.

Constructing a Flex-Fee

To get started, navigate to the WP EasyCart -> Settings -> Flex-Fee menu.  Here you can see a list of all present Flex-Fees you establish as well edit, delete, or add new.  Click the ‘Add New‘ button at the top to start creating a Flex-Fee.


Next, you can establish all the parameters and filters you need to apply to the Flex-Fee.  If you wish for the fee to apply to ALL uses, simply leave the optional filters empty.

Required fields are the Flex-Fee Label and the Type/Rate.  You may apply the following types:

  • Rate Based Fee:  This is a percentage value of your shopping cart subtotal.  You can get creative here and also apply a negative percentage to offer discounts.
    • Minimum Fee:  This will apply a minimum fee, even if you have a percentage based rate established.  Leave empty if you do not want a minimum.
    • Maximum Fee:  This will apply a maximum fee, if your rate percentage calculates to above this limit, it will only show this maximum.  Leave empty if you do not want a maximum
  • Price Based Fee:  This is a simple price based static fee that will apply.  This value may also be negative to apply a price based discount.



What your Customers Experience with Flex-Fees?

The Flex-Fee will appear in your customers checkout experience as they flow through checkout.  Often the users address information must be collected before calculating and you can see the full charges at the end of the process during payment.  Notice here we have 2 example Flex-Fees being added for Fuel or delivery charges and also processing charges.

Popular Fee Examples:  There are unlimited cases where you might apply a fee, maybe custom postal code based shipping addresses get delivery charges, shipping zones, or simply a category of products get a specific fee applied.  You can also apply to user roles and user groups, cities, or countries.

Popular Discount Examples:  You may also enter negative Flex-Fees and present them as a discount based on user roles, locations, or even postal codes.  This can be a great way to provide discounts to local zip codes, or maybe a certain category of product you want to really showcase as a line-item during checkout as a discount.


Updated on May 24, 2023