Importing Users

3 min read

EasyCart provides a user importer process so that you can move customer accounts including names, emails, and billing/shipping addresses with easy into the system. The system is fairly simple in that you can export a few accounts to get a good template, then mirror their column data with your customer data, and import. There are a few rules to follow so that EasyCart knows when to update or add a new user with the spreadsheet, so below is the information.

Step One: Export a User for Template

This process is simply a matter of selecting one or two users to export so you can see the correct column data in your spreadsheet program. Go to WP EasyCart -> Users and highlight an account and use the bulk pulldown menu to Export Selected to CSV.


Step Two: Edit Template and Add Users

This step requires you to add your users data to the spreadsheet following the format of the previous exported user. DO NOT delete or move columns in the spreadsheet, instead, copy and paste or add user data to the appropriate columns.

The key here is to let EasyCart know that you have NEW users. Do this by making the user_id field 0 zeros. Upon importing, they will receive a user_id value, but new users go with with 0 zeros.

Fields that should be 0 zero for Adding New!

  • user_id

Add New Fields that should be Empty!

  • default_billing_address_id
  • default_shipping_address_id
  • billing_address_id
  • billing_user_id
  • shipping_address_id
  • shipping_user_id

It is a good idea to make all users the default ‘shopper’ user_level as well. Save this new file as a .csv Comma Separated Values format and you are ready to import.


Step Three: Run Importer

Now that you have a good CSV file, go ahead and run the importer by browsing and hitting Import. You can easily see the status of the run process while it occurs. If you run into errors, simply delete all your created users if it built new ones and fix errors/rerun the process.


Step Four: Completed

When the process completes, it will either let you know if there were errors, or it will show you that it completed successfully. You will need to refresh your screen to see the new users imported. IF you do run into errors, simply refresh your screen, delete any new additions that were made so that you can edit your file and re-run the process.

You can also do a fresh export to CSV of your imported users, and you will notice they now have user_id and all the billing_id and shipping_id fields aligned with their accounts.


Step Five: Password Resets

Lastly, you will want to force your users to reset their passwords on next login. This is a great way to make sure users all get a new password custom to them and their account the next time they go to login. Simply highlight all your new users and use our Force Selected to Reset Password bulk action.


Updated on November 6, 2023